Oculus Quest vs PlayStation VR - Which VR Headset is Better?

August 25, 2021


Gone are the days when Virtual Reality (VR) was a concept limited to sci-fi movies. With the advent of technology, VR has become more advanced and accessible. VR allows us to immerse ourselves in a different world, transporting us from our boring monotonous lives to a world filled with surreal experiences. Two of the most popular VR headsets available in the market currently are Oculus Quest and PlayStation VR.

In this blog post, we will compare both headsets and discuss their pros and cons. We'll try to do it with a smile, but our words will be ever-factual, like a Wi-Fi connection.

Oculus Quest vs PlayStation VR – A Detailed Comparison

Display and Resolution

The Oculus Quest has a better resolution compared to the PlayStation VR headset. The Quest has a resolution of 1440 x 1600 pixels per eye, which is higher than that of the PlayStation VR, which has a resolution of just 960 x 1080 pixels per eye. More pixels per eye mean that the image on the Quest appears to be much sharper and more defined than that of the PlayStation VR.

Field of View

The field of view (FOV) on the Oculus Quest is 100 degrees, while the FOV on the PlayStation VR headset is around 90 degrees. While the difference isn't significant, it's better to have a higher FOV as it makes the experience more immersive and realistic.

Tracking and Motion Controllers

The Oculus Quest has superior tracking and motion controllers compared to the PlayStation VR. The Quest uses inside-out tracking, whereas the PlayStation VR relies on a camera attached to the TV to track the headset and controllers. The tracking capability of the Quest is significantly better than the PlayStation VR, making it a better option for playing games that require movement tracking. The Quest's motion controllers are also more comfortable to hold and use.

Game Library

Both the Oculus Quest and PlayStation VR have an extensive game library. However, PlayStation VR has been around longer, so it has a bigger library than the Quest. PlayStation also has exclusives, such as "Astro Bot," that aren't available on the Quest. On the other hand, the Quest has games that can be played wirelessly and without the requirement for a console which is a huge advantage for those who are looking for a more portable VR experience.


The Oculus Quest is more comfortable to wear than the PlayStation VR headset. The Quest is lighter, and the straps are adjustable, ensuring that it can be adjusted to fit any head size comfortably. The PlayStation VR is bulkier and more cumbersome, which can cause difficulties in finding a comfortable fit.


Both headsets have their pros and cons. The Oculus Quest has a better resolution, better tracking, and is more comfortable to wear, while the PlayStation VR has exclusive games and a larger game library. PlayStation VR is more suited for gamers who already have a console, while the Oculus Quest is perfect for casual users who are looking for a stand-alone VR experience. Keep in mind that price and personal preference will also play a significant role in deciding which headset to get.

We hope this comparison has been helpful in making a decision! But if you're still unsure, try and test them out for yourselves before deciding which is better for you. And remember, when using a VR headset, just like when using Wi-Fi, it's best to take a break every once in a while to prevent motion sickness or eye strain.


  1. “Oculus Quest vs Playstation VR.” Bigscreen, 2021, www.bigscreen.com/boombox/playlist/23101/oculus-quest-vs-playstation-vr/.
  2. Robertson, Adi. “Oculus Quest vs. PlayStation VR: Which Is Better?” The Verge, The Verge, 23 Sept. 2020, www.theverge.com/21449708/playstation-vr-vs-oculus-quest-comparison-which-is-better.

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